Ambassador Program

  • Spread The Word

    1. Distribute posters in your school and community

    2. Share Fentanyl-awareness content on social media.

    3. Pitch your school/county newspaper on publishing a “One Pill Can Kill” crisis article.

  • School Chapters

    1. Pitch your school on the importance of starting a Project 1 Life chapter at your middle school, high school, or college!

    2. Create a club to spread awareness about Fentanyl, start school initiatives, and spread the word!

  • Create Content

    1. Design your own social media posts and posters.

    2. Interview students or families who the Opioid Crisis and/or Fentanyl-poisoning has directly impacted.

  • Recruit Ambassadors

    1. Strength lies in numbers! Utilize your network to recruit other ambassadors.

    2. Share your practices for driving engagement. Project 1 Life wants to hear your stories.

Sign Up Form

120+ Ambassadors

Across 20 states